An Unexpected Fitness Win

Hey Ya'll

Let's talk about the unexpected benefits to improving your health and fitness.

You know how I feel about a deep and meaningful why.

And you also know that many of us workout to lose fat, build muscle and feel our best.

But that's not it.

I got a great email from a client that I am going to paraphrase.

It was an amazing and detailed email and I could picture myself there with her when this happened.

Sock feet on a hardwood step.

A recipe for disaster right?

She did slip, she desperately grabbed the rail and she ended up in a deep squat thinking she was going to be very very injured in both her legs and her arm that had grabbed the rail.

And previous to Evolve, she likely would have been injured.

Instead, she stood up and shook it off astonished that "nothing happened". She was okay and she had just done a deep squat like at the gym.

I loved this story and it's a great example of a regular strength training program building up your physical resiliency.

Everything in life gets a little easier and you are less susceptible to incidents like this taking you out for long periods of time.

So I hope you have a great day and I hope you do some things this week that fill your cup and push your goals forward.
