Hey Ya'll
If I only had one message that I could spread. Or if I had only one thing I could put in a fortune cookie for everyone to read. Or if I could someone how send you subliminal messages to train your subconscious while you sleep it would be this.
The basics work every single time.
Provided you are willing to be ruthlessly consistent over very long periods of time.
If I was feeling spicy and ever went into an angry rant I would tell people to "stop f-ing quitting because you think it's not working 2 weeks into your new plan"
But I am not feeling too spicy and I know it's hard to overcome that burning desire to get rapid results. And heck, it's all you see shoved in your face on social media and on magazine covers.
What you see in those places are the 0.01 percent of people who are blessed enough to hit on all cylinders, the genetically gifted and then you see the photoshop and lies people tell to get you to buy their stuff.
For the other 99.99 percent of us that aren't going to be featured on the cover of Women's World magazine (what I used to read as a kid because my mom bought it) it's all about the long journey and the basics.
It’s simple, but it ain’t easy.
Imagine if for the next 365 days in a row you:
-ate 5 servings of fruits and veggies
-did 45+ minutes of some sort of physical activity
-drank 2L of water
-ate 100g of protein
-ditched the screens 30 minutes before bed and closed your eyes in time to get 7+ hours of sleep (sorry parents)
-practiced gratitude or some sort of stress relief
It's hard to imagine because you've probably never done it.
The thing is you don't need to do 365 in a row. Shit will hit the fan.
But if you do this 90% of the time that means you have 36.5 days of leeway.
That's a lot of days for those of us with long term goals and who are willing to stick with the basics.
Remember that professionals at really anything are not out there learning tricks every day. They are doing the basics over and over and over.
And over again.
Tiger Woods doesn’t practice trick shots for 5 hours a day. He hits the same shots out of the bunker 1000 times, then moves on to 1000 putts. Day in and day out.
It works the same for our fitness goals. You don't need a fad diet or workout program.
You need to strength training, do some cardio you enjoy and stick to basic nutrition principles.
Over and over again.
Take some time and think about 3-5 things you could do every single day for a year that you are confident you can easily do.
Do you think if you did those things you would be feeling amazing?
Then let's do it.
Have a great day
PS. This applies to your career goals, your relationship goals and any other goals in your life. Think about it.
Evolve Black Dress Party 2017